About Us

Welcome to Kuhle Solutions

We provide customised solutions with focused actions

Kuhle Solutions, founded in 2000, primarily focussed on Business Process Consultancy and Early Childhood Development, operating a computer training facility for young children. The Project Management and Housing Development services were subsequently added to the suite of services.  In the built environment we render Community Development Social Facilitation and other housing or human settlement-related services.

We recognise that the best solutions come from teamwork and joint problem solving, therefore we play an active role in conceptualising, scoping and structuring the project to meet the anticipated outcomes. Working in partnership with the project owner and stakeholders cultivates learning experiences.

We measure our success by the impact of our intervention and our contributes towards positive change through our attitude towards performance and service delivery.

Who we are

  • We are a vibrant company deriving strength from dynamic, creative and interactive internal and external team as we endeavour to provide services in our areas of expects.
  • We provide services to a diverse array of clients that includes National, Provincial and Local Government Departments, State-Owned Enterprises, SETA (Vocational Skills Training Organisations), Financial Institutions, Property Developers, Civil Society, Research Institutions and Communities.

Why we do it

  • The nature of our work requires us to deliver a quality service and product within defined time limits. Principles such as efficiency, transparency and participation are seen as the core indicators of project success and creating positive impacts in society.

Why choose us

  • We are accustomed to working under strict deadlines and pride ourselves in achieving these deadlines without compromising on the quality of the work we do.
  • We have developed capacity to enable us to respond to client requests within reasonable turnaround times.
  • We believe in client’s uniqueness and their individual specific needs that can only be met through a close and personalised partnership that is based on shared responsibility to deliver sustainable results.
  • Performance and service excellence are fundamental for our delivery model, and play a crucial role in our business process.
  • It is a company guiding principle that we deliver twice in use value than in the monetary value we receive for services rendered.

Our Objectives

To provide clients with a comprehensive service package this includes the following:

  • Quality product within specified time frames
  • User friendly material
  • Value for money
  • Progressive Development

Our Vision

To become the most relied upon, innovative and dynamic service provider of customised solutions and interventions to Clients.

Our Team

Lead by a management team that have a combined work experience within the Human Settlement Sector in excess of 35 years. Our team subscribe to inclusivity and transparency in terms of our actions and approach to our professional assignments.

Our support team consists of top-quality professionals with experience and expertise across a range of disciplines in The Built Environment, Social Science Research and Policy Development, Programme and Project Management, Community and Stakeholder Engagement, Facilitation and Mediation, and Organisational Development.

We subscribe to projects and problem-solving frameworks and as such are continuously up-skilling our professionals to better understand the landscapes we work in. Our approach is holistic and integrated to ensure that we meet challenges posed and that projects progress successfully.


Have questions?

If you have a project in mind where we can put our expertise at use to bring it to life, drop us a line. We will get back to you as soon as possible to get all the necessary info for a proposal. You can send us a message using our inquiry form on the right, or reach us using the information below.


+27 10 440 0095

17A Bradford Road, Bedfordview, 2007

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Our Clients

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9

